
My soulmate, my twin flame | Mel and Dan| Albrighton Hall

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 A testament to Melanie and Daniel, who against all odds declared their vows in a wonderfully intimate wedding ceremony at Albrighton Hall, Shrewsbury.

Like many, Melanie and Dan have had a difficult year. Not least their planned ceremony cancelled at the last minute. Undeterred, they found an alternative venue, traveled together to have a very private ceremony and share an evening to themselves to celebrate.

Their ceremony was beautiful. A 2 person ceremony (plus one family friend acting as celebrant) in the gardens of Albrighton Hall. The bride and groom each wrote their own personal vows. They declared their commitments to each other under a wooden gazebo by the lakeside as the sun began to fade away.

Melanie and Dan are a delightful couple, friendly and easy going. I cannot help but admire their determination to remain upbeat despite these troubling times.

Respect to Albrighton Hall for stepping in to save their day (literally at the last minute).

Congratulations to Melanie and Daniel. I wish you all the best in your lives together.

Thank you so much for inviting me to share this most unique of celebrations of love.

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